Hi Everyone!
My name is Samuel Diaz-Miranda, though I go by Sam, and I’m a sophomore graced with the opportunity of being GW Catholics' Director of Outreach. I was born and raised in Miami, Florida, and came to GW to study Political Science (many such cases).
As a matter of fact, it was during my orientation tour of GW that I spotted a flier for GW Catholics and the Newman Center, which led me to the weekly TND, which later led me to Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and my upcoming Confirmation.
Though I was raised a non-denominational Christian, I was led to Catholicism by the most holy Rosary of our Blessed Mother. While the churches I grew up in are very different from the Holy and Apostolic Church I now know and love, I will always be supremely glad God gifted me with the opportunity to know Him from early on in my life, and cry out to Him in all my struggles.
And so, after months of daily rosaries, as well as dozens of Fulton Sheen videos (among other things), our Blessed Lord arranged my finding of the Newman Center, and gifted me with this wonderful second home, a family in Christ.
As noted by many saints, seeking the Lord our God is the greatest journey and adventure we creatures can undergo.
How else, if not by stooping into the cave He was born in, stooping under the Cross He died on, stooping into the tomb He was buried in, can we find His Truth, His Love, and His Triumph?
Where else better to find Him, in His Wholeness, in His simple and meek humanity, in His grand and glorious Divinity, than the Church He established, the body He left behind, the home He built for us?
I hope to see you at the Newman Center, and I pray we may all enter further into His love.