Hi everyone! My name is Evie and I am this year's Director of Finance!
I am currently in my second year in the Business School where I am majoring in Finance. I am thoroughly involved at GW holding positions in the Alpha Kappa Psi, the Stock & Portfolio Management Club, Compass Impact Investing, Women in Finance, and other organizations. Feel free to ask me any questions if you are looking to get more involved on campus!
I was blessed with the opportunity to attend a Catholic high school in Pittsburgh (where I am from). As a result, I have always been pretty strong and outspoken about my faith. I knew I wanted to get involved in the Newman Center before I even stepped foot on campus last year. From the first open house, everyone was so welcoming and warm. At a school like GW, I found it refreshing to see this level of openness and love.
Since that moment, I have loved being a part of Newman and I recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their spirituality and relationship with God.
If you see me on campus, please don’t hesitate to say hi! God Bless!