My name is Daira Flores, and i am from Marietta, Georgia! I am the Hispanic Ministries Director for the 2024-25 year. I am a Senior with an International Affairs major and a double concentration in Cybersecurity and Security Policy.
My story is a little bit different; I am a very recently confirmed Catholic, but a Christian faith has been a part of my life from a very young age. During my first year of college I found myself lost and listening to everything and everyone but God. Not only was I far from home, but I felt like God wasn’t listening to me anymore. That was until I found Newman. I have been extremely lucky to find such a wonderful support system here at the GW Newman community and it has allowed for me to grow not only closer to God but closer to my roots as well.
I slowly began to meet people that helped me find comfort in the chaos and helped me see the blessing in being at Washington DC, those people are now some of my closest friends! Through this amazing journey, I realized that as a Spanish speaking community, inclusion matters!! And I am here to make sure that all of my Latinos have a safe space to grow in their faith too! I am so grateful to everyone and especially “Papa J” for allowing me to be here, and now I’m super excited to be a part of YOUR home at Newman. Can’t wait to meet you!! Un placer conocerte!!