from the USCCB you can also subscribe to them in podcast form or to have them emailed to you.
Mass Time Finder
(also available as an app for Android and iOS). Allows you to search by location, day of the week, and either mass or confession to find the times of mass or confession near you. Great for when you are traveling or cannot attend your regular service for whatever reason and need options.
Examination of Conscience
The USCCB has a number of examinations of conscience for people in different states of life and professions. Of particular interest to GW Students are the one for young adults, for people in the public square, and in light of Catholic social teaching.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Lays out everything the Church teaches and why.
Catechism of the Catholic Church Podcast
By Fr. Mike Schmitz (available on all major podcast hosts) should you want to read through some or all of it with a guide.
Catholic Answers
Short, accessible explanations about what and why the Church believes what it does on different topics. A great place to educate yourself on a topic or to learn how to explain something to others.